

Lawyer Stefano Negrotti


Stefano Negrotti (Lecco, 21 September 1989) graduated in law from the University of Milan “Bicocca” in 2014. Having completed his legal practice, he joined the Lecco Bar in 2017 and has been practising law ever since. In 2016 he attended and successfully completed the “National School of Specialisation for Corporate Lawyers (AIGI)”. In 2018-2019, he attended the ‘Biennial Course of Professional Training and Updating in Criminal Matters’, which is useful for qualifying as a public defender.

What does lawyer Stefano Negrotti do?

Stefano’s practice focuses on tax law and energy and environmental law and he is part of teams dealing with criminal law and restructuring. His undergraduate and postgraduate studies, combined with his experience in the practice of l, aw have led him to acquire an in-depth knowledge of tax and fiscal law, as well as criminal law. In this context, Stefano assists individuals and companies in the resolution of disputes with tax and fiscal authorities, and advises on these and related areas of law, such as restructuring and criminal law. Thanks to his professional training in criminal law, which enabled him to learn and master the subject matter, Stefano is able to assist clients in inherent issues, with particular regard to cases of overlapping between tax and criminal law, such as tax and contribution offences. In recent years, Stefano has deepened and practised energy and environmental law, now increasingly important topics for companies, and offers assistance and consultancy services in this field. He is in charge of the ‘Tax’ and ‘Energy and Environment’ areas of Campa Avvocati and is part of the teams dealing with ‘Restructuring and Insolvency’ and ‘Criminal Law’.
