Antonio Carano (Isernia, 11 March 1964) graduated in Law at the University of Pavia, in Political Science, political-administrative field, at the University of Macerata, in Economic and Financial Security Sciences at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, in International and Diplomatic Sciences at the University of Trieste. He obtained his specialisations in ‘Giurista d’impresa internazionale’ (International Business Law) and in ‘Diritto tributario dell’Impresa – Corporate Tax Law’ at the “Bocconi” University in Milan. A former senior officer in the Guardia di Finanza until 2009, where he held territorial command, operational, training and staff positions, he graduated from the “Scuola Superiore di Polizia Tributaria”. As an expert of the Guardia di Finanza on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of international terrorism, he headed the Coordination Office at the MEF – Department of the Treasury – Directorate V Financial System Regulation and Supervision. A member of the Bar Association of Santa Maria C.V., he has recently held positions in direct collaboration offices of the Minister of Economy and Finance. He currently collaborates as an author with the Association of Members of Supervisory Bodies ex Legislative Decree 231/2001 (AODV231). He is also the author of numerous publications and scientific articles in the field of economics and finance, and contributes to industry journals.
Antonio’s main focus is on criminal law and corporate criminal procedure, as well as tax defence in litigation before tax justice bodies. He has consolidated experience in the field of corporate tax consultancy and international taxation. An expert in corporate compliance and administrative criminal liability of entities pursuant to Legislative Decree 231/2001, he habitually carries out professional and consulting activities in the field of risk assessment, tax risk management, drafting and updating of Organisational Management and Control Models and is a member of the Supervisory Board in public and private companies. He has also gained experience in the field of both criminal and administrative regulations on anti-money laundering and combating the financing of international terrorism.