
Services and areas of law

Restructuring and Insolvency

Campa Avvocati has significant experience in the field of corporate crisis in general, as well as in debt restructuring and insolvency proceedings, providing assistance to both debtor and creditor sides. The Firm supports Clients from the moment of the emergence of the crisis or insolvency and pre-insolvency situation, for the purposes of an informed management, the selection of the most appropriate instruments in the specific case (with the priority objective of preserving – where possible – business continuity), from debt restructuring, up to the negotiation of performing solutions or access to bankruptcy proceedings and their management in the various stages.

The professionalism and experience gained over the years allows Campa Avvocati to handle corporate restructuring operations in the most complex scenarios, guiding Clients with competence and consistency in the management of bankruptcy proceedings, as well as in relation to all the relevant legal aspects connected thereto. We offer solutions built on a case-by-case basis, and assistance in all specialist areas involved in crisis situations, also ensuring – thanks to the multidisciplinary vision of the Firm – the most effective management of labour and contractual relations in general, litigation, tax and financial issues.

In cases where, unfortunately, it is not possible to preserve business continuity or to proceed with the rescue of any still profitable components of the business, assistance is aimed at identifying the most suitable liquidation path for the specific situation. Campa Avvocati also offers assistance to creditors and other parties involved in critics situations, as well as investors interested in acquiring distressed assets. Campa Avvocati offers its expertise in the following areas:

  • assistance in the drafting of turnaround projects, identifying the most suitable instruments to resolve the crisis
  • assistance in the preparation and negotiation of recovery plans, debt restructuring agreements, composition plans, judicial liquidation petitions, exoneration proceedings and compulsory liquidation
  • proceedings as well as – in view of the provisions set out in the new Corporate Crisis and Insolvency Code – in the preparation and submission of applications for access to the negotiated settlement
  • procedure or to crisis and insolvency regulation tools, also subject to the filing of documents, including composition with creditors with request for precautionary and protective measures and judicial liquidation;
  • assistance in the acquisition of companies, assets or receivables in the context of bankruptcy proceedings and business rehabilitation
  • assistance in the protection of credit positions and in the management of ongoing negotiations in insolvency proceedings;
  • assistance in proceedings instituted by the insolvency bodies, with particular regard to actions for revocation and damages related to past relations with the insolvent company
  • assistance to the insolvency bodies in the management of disputes arising within the proceedings.

In addition, Campa Avvocati also assists and advises persons in crisis resolution procedures for the purpose of drawing up a debt restructuring agreement, a consumer plan or the liquidation of a debtor’s assets.

Proper business crisis management: legal advice for difficult times

Business crisis and insolvency: words that certainly arouse negative emotions but which, unfortunately, can correspond to a phase in the life of a company that an entrepreneur is called upon to address. Many factors, both internal and external to the company, can in fact cause difficulties, compromising its economic and financial equilibrium. Frequently, the key to overcome these difficult moments lies in facing them in the right way and at the right time, having competent professionals at one’s side. One of the most delicate moments of the business crisis phase is the entrepreneur’s acquisition of the real awareness of the situation and of the need to take action, sometimes even drastic and bankruptcy-like, which is obviously frightening. Campa Avvocati is at the entrepreneur’s side at this important moment, helping him in the timely and careful diagnosis of the crisis that has emerged and its causes, which are essential prerequisites to be able to identify the most correct and effective solution, with the aim of preserving business continuity as a primary value, protecting all those involved, including in particular employees and suppliers, and tackling the crisis from a proactive perspective, while preventing it from becoming an irreversible state of insolvency. All thanks to the expertise of the Firm’s professionals, aided by the various instruments made available by the legal system, based also on its most recent evolutions, oriented precisely towards a timely and early emergence of the crisis and the consequent opportunity for early restructuring and resolution.
Even the crisis can, therefore, offer novelty, changes and prospects to a company, allowing it – if tackled in a timely manner – to identify a new structural, organisational and productive dimension and a repositioning in the market, which may also represent an opportunity for investment and recovery. Crisis brings progress, Albert Einstein reminded us: it’s all about tackling it at the right time and in the right way and, above all, with the right travelling companions.