
Services and areas of law

European Union, Anti-dumping and Sanctions

Campa Avvocati offers assistance and advice to companies, associations and individuals in the international, and in particular European, arena for the defence and promotion of their rights. This activity is carried out both in the procedural phase, before the European Institutions (Council and Commission), and in the pre-litigation phase (with appeals to the European Ombudsman), as well as in the judicial and litigation phase before the General Court of the European Union and the Court of Justice (with proceedings on the merits and precautionary measures), as well as before national courts (in particular, administrative and tax courts), in the event that European Union law profiles are involved.

The firm has gained significant experience in the Trade & Customs area, in particular assisting companies and associations of entrepreneurs (both national and European) not only in litigation, but – even before – in multiple anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard investigations, with drafting of relevant acts, questionnaires and petitions and participation in adversarial meetings with the Commission of the European Union. This is the background to China’s historic decision to suspend anti-dumping duties on aluminium imports into the EU (third time in 20 years).

Since 2021, Campa Avvocati’s activity in this area has also extended to assisting natural and legal persons in the area of economic sanctions imposed by the European Union, both in administrative proceedings before the Council of the European Union and in  litigation before the General Court and the Court of Justice of the European Union. Our activity is aimed both at assisting companies in dealing with compliance and enforcement of contracts with sanctions issues, and at asserting the rights of all parties in the best forms before the European institutions, opposing decisions taken and protecting the rights of Clients also on their assets in the European territory. Another landmark decision was obtained by Campa Avvocati, with no less than five suspensions and subsequent cancellation of sanctions against Formula 1 driver Nikita Mazepin.

Legal assistance and advice in the field of European Union Law

If it is true that the village we live in is increasingly global, regulations are also adapting accordingly. Specifically, European regulations now play a fundamental role in the development of all economic and industrial sectors. However, one must not make the mistake of thinking that provisions and measures of a community nature, issued by the European Commission and the Council, are untouchable and must only be passively ‘suffered’ by higher-ranking institutions.
In fact, there are many tools available to citizens and businesses to make their voice heard in the EU sphere, not only in court, but – even before that – in active participation in administrative proceedings initiated for the purpose of issuing measures, in cross-examination with the European institutions and all other interested parties. For the protection of one’s own interests, it becomes necessary to get highly specialised legal support also in the field of European Union Law, with specific training and the necessary expertise.
A perspective that looks at Europe as an obstacle rather than an opportunity cannot be one of true development.