

Lawyer Marina Pirovano

Managing Partner

Marina Pirovano (Oggiono, 30 July 1982) graduated with honours in 2004 with a Bachelor’s Degree in Legal Sciences, from the Faculty of Law of the University of “Insubria” in Como. In 2006, she also obtained a Master’s Degree in Law, again with honours, from the Faculty of Law of the University of “Insubria” in Como. Having completed her legal practice, she registered with the Lecco Bar Association in 2009 and has been practising law ever since.
Since 2006, she has been an assistant to the chairs of Civil Law and Institutions of Private Law at the Faculty of Law of the University of “Insubria” in Como, supporting seminar activities and participating in commissions for profit examinations.
Since 2012, she has also been an assistant lecturer in Institutions of Private Law I and, since 2014, in Institutions of Private Law II at the Faculty of Law of the University “Statale” of Milano, participating in the committees of profit examinations. She has published the following works in her area of expertise:

  • “Contributory negligence of the aggrieved creditor and non-asset damage” – commentary on the judgment of the Civil Cassation Sec. III of 10 November 2009 no. 2373, in I Contratti no. 5/2010.
  • “Detectability of nullity ex officio and request for termination” – comment on the judgment of the Civil Cassation Sec. III of 7 February 2011 no. 2956, in “I Contratti” no. 7/2011.
  • “On the requirement of the written form for banking contracts: the position of doctrine and jurisprudence” – commentary on the judgment of the Court of Reggio Emilia of 14 May 2013, in “Il Corriere Giuridico” no. 1/2014.

What does lawyer Marina Pirovano do?

Marina assists, advises and defends in and out of court in the field of civil law in general and, in particular, commercial and corporate law and crisis and insolvency law.
Over the years, she has gained extensive experience both in extraordinary transactions, such as company demergers, company leases and disposals, including in the context of bankruptcy proceedings, and in the assistance and drafting of crisis regulation instruments, including plans and proposals for composition with creditors, as well as in civil litigation, including defence in actions for revocation and compensation of corporate bodies members.
In addition, Marina also deals with administrative law, both national, in particular in urban planning and construction and public procurement matters; and EU, in commercial and customs matters, in particular assisting companies and associations (national and European) in administrative and judicial proceedings relating to anti-dumping, anti-subsidy and safeguard measures, and economic sanctions.
Marina is in charge of the ‘Civil Litigation, Abitration and ADR’ and ‘Administrative’ areas and, with Massimo Campa, of the ‘Restructuring and Insolvency’ area of Campa Avvocati. She is a member of the Supervisory Board of several companies.
