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Linda Gatti

Linda Gatti (Carate Brianza, 5 January 1995) graduated with full marks from the Liceo Scientifico e Classico Marie Curie in Meda in 2014 and graduated with full marks from the University of Milan, with a dissertation in European labour law entitled ‘Le piattaforme digitali della on-demand economy: prospettive di tutela nell’Unione europea’ (Digital platforms of the on-demand economy: protection perspectives in the European Union).

From September 2015 to December 2019, he worked as an assistant in the administrative office at a technical-informatics assistance and consulting company

In May 2020, she began her legal practice at the Campa Avvocati and in 2022 she passed, at the first attempt, the qualifying examination at the Court of Appeal of Milan.

She is a member of the Bar at the Milano Bar Association.

Role: Lawyer
Languages: Italian, English